Our Program


Supportive: Individual care program for the student Which is concerned with caring for the good condition of students individually in all areas, Through a stimulating and attractive environment using scientific methods that are compatible with the developmental characteristics of the age stage to achieve psychological, personal, social and academic compatibility for students. Where the student's well-being is taken care of, and caring for developing students' motivation to learn, raising their academic level, enhancing desired behaviors, and creating an integrated creative environment that contributesThrough a stimulating and attractive environment using scientific methods that are compatible with the developmental characteristics of the age stage to achieve psychological, personal, social and academic compatibility for students. Where the student's well-being is taken care of, and caring for developing students' motivation to learn, raising their academic level, enhancing desired behaviors, and creating an integrated creative environment that contributes to adopting, developing, and advancing students' inclinations and hobbies. Through quality programs prepared by a specialized team of student mentors and trainers, based on diagnosing the student’s needs and then providing direct support according to the case, the school also provides partnerships with specialized centers for behavioral guidance and psychological counseling, with which cooperation is done if needed., All of this is done in integration with parents in all stages of support.

Academic and vocational guidance

In our schools, we are very keen to provide academic and vocational guidance, believing in its importance to students, which essentially helps them determine the features of their future by choosing specializations that suit their desires and inclinations at the university stage, and also suit the needs and requirements of the labor market. Among the most prominent things being implemented are: the university and vocational preparation program which includes specialized workshops, and holding forums such as: (Success Stories Forum for old graduates, and Experience Forum for those with experience), in addition to the university exhibition, which includes presentations on the most important specializations required in the labor market and the universities that provide those specializations and their advantages.

Creative writing in Arabic

Writing is a means of communication between nations, individuals, and groups, a means of expressing sensations, feelings, and ideas, an important tool of learning and culture, a preliminary step to learning and discovering the bright side, and an image of renaissance and sophistication. From this standpoint, we were keen to train students in writing, develop it, and improve it according to determinants and controls to enhance that status and in addition. To their linguistic repertoire and a means of correct oral and written communication in the future, which our students need in the labor market.


They demonstrate a high level of performance, creative production, distinguished readiness, and a keen sense of what is around them. We expect, but they raise the bar of expectations. We work with them for the advancement of the nation. Our schools work to nurture gifted people through... - Providing scholarships to those who achieve advanced results in the giftedness test. - Programs to care for the gifted in all psychological, social and academic fields, to meet theirneeds and nurture their inclinations and talents. -Training and qualifying to participate in national and international competitions such as: Kangaroo Competition, Bibras Competition, Mahooob Competition, and the Olympics. Mawhiba Enrichment Programme, the National Olympiad for Scientific Creativity, in order to ensure the achievement of advanced levels in all competitions, and we annually celebrate our students’ leadership in most national and international competitions. There are many enrichment methods in the program, including: Specialized enrichment curricula in partnership with Mawhiba, developing creative thinking, research and special projects, activities related to hobbies and competitions, and educational trips. Teaching and learning methods in programs: discovery learning. Collaborative work in groups, research, investigation, dialogue and discussion, practical exercises and projects, brainstorming and problem solving in creative ways.